Τικ και Τέλα: Η Λιμνούλα - Axel Scheffler

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Pip and Posy: The Little Puddle by Axel Scheffler in modern Greek, translated by Filippos Mandilaras. Read an excerpt here.

Ο Τικ και η Τέλα περνάνε τόσο καλά, που ο Τικ ξεχνάει να πάει στην τουαλέτα. Τότε εμφανίζεται μια λιμνούλα στο πάτωμα. Ωχ!

Διάβασε πως καταφέρνουν οι δύο φίλοι να ξεπεράσουν την αμηχανία του Τικ σ'αυτή την τρυφερή ιστορία για παιδιά που μαθαίνουν να πηγαίνουν μόνα τους στην τουαλέτα.


Pip and Posy are typical toddlers: they are best friends and they have fun… but sometimes, just like any other toddler, they get cross and sad, so sometimes it takes friendship, sharing and understanding – and a cuddle – to make things better.  In Pip and Posy and the Little Puddle Pip comes to play at Posy’s house. 


They have such a lovely time after their mid-afternoon snack and drink that Pip forgets he needs to go to the loo, and soon there’s a little puddle on the floor.  But everyone has accidents sometimes, so Posy mops it up, and lends him some clothes.  The next time Pip needs a wee, he does it in the potty all by himself.

Pages 32
Publication Date 2012
Publisher Ίκαρος / Ikaros
ISBN 9789609527279
Binding Hardback
Author Axel Scheffler / Φίλιππος Μανδηλαράς
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